Horse farm i riding club KRES

With passion for horses since 1990

Beautiful place, around the forest

View from the nearby Knyszyn Forest

We are really glad that You visited our, official site of horse stable „Kres” in Jurowce, close to Bialystok. We encourage You to get to know our history, achievements and services that we offer, including therapy on horseback for handicapped people (hipotherapy), and lessons of horse riding. During all these years of our existence we have achieved a lot during national or international championships that we are proud of. Enjoy surfing on our virtual sites.
klub jeździecki

The most important sporting achievements:

Sebastian Sakowicz i Patryk Wojak

Masters of Polish Junior and Young Riders in Endurance Racing

Antoni Krawczyk i Marcin Ołchyński

participants in the Special Olympics Summer Games in USA

Witalis Nikołajuk

multiple medalist of the Polish Senior Endurance Racing and participant of many International Competitions and the European Championship


Witalis Nikołajuk

Witalis Nikołajuk


Maria Nikołajuk

Maria Nikołajuk

instructor riding and hippotherapy

Ewa Nikołajuk

Ewa Nikołajuk

instructor riding and hippotherapy

Tomasz Nikołajuk

Tomasz Nikołajuk

master of physiotherapy, instructor riding and hippotherapy